
校园安全 & 安全

We are committed to providing a safe 和 secure learning environment in which faculty 和 staff can prepare 学生 for academic 和 career success.

The 创意学院 (CCS) 校园安全 和 安全 department is service-oriented. Our main function is to provide the entire campus community with the necessary services 和 control to prevent crime, 保护学院的财产, 学生, 工作人员及访客, 并对CCS社区的安全保持警惕.

The CCS 校园安全 和 安全 department strives to adhere to the highest ethical st和ards 和 reflects the diversity of its community members. 我们部门参与与其他警察机构的合作努力, 与韦恩州立大学保持密切的工作关系, 韦恩县警长, 密歇根州警察局和底特律警察局.


Should a member of the CCS community observe or suspect criminal or suspicious activity, we ask that this information be promptly reported to 校园安全 office located on the first floor of the Taubman Center 或者是 first floor of the Kresge Ford Building on the Ford 校园. 本处人员可亲自或致电接受举报. 校园安全的日常电话号码是 福特校区313-664-7444313-664-1444陶布曼中心. 两条线路每周7天、每天24小时运行. 校园安全官员是未经宣誓的官员,没有逮捕的权力. 他们可以调查事件并拘留个人,直到警察到达. 受害人或证人可以自愿举报犯罪, confidential basis for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics by informing 校园安全 that you wish this information to remain confidential.

CCS encourages all members of the College community to engage in accurate 和 prompt reporting of all crimes to 校园 安全 和 the appropriate law enforcement agencies, 当犯罪的受害者选择不这样做, 或者不能, 做这样的报告. Prompt reporting is important as it facilitates immediate investigation 和 the preservation of evidence. Reports may form the basis of criminal charges (violations of state or federal law) 和/or college discipline cases (violations of the Code of Student Conduct).

投诉人也可直接向刑事检控署提出刑事举报 韦恩州警察局电话:(313)577-2222 或者是 底特律警察局电话:(313)224-1212. Complainants wishing to file a criminal report with the Wayne State or Detroit Police 部门 may request assistance with initial procedures from CCS 校园安全. 一旦犯罪报告提交给韦恩州立或底特律警方, the decision to prosecute is made at the discretion of the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office. The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office is also responsible for providing follow-up communication with the complainant.



穿制服的校园安全人员在所有建筑物的内部巡逻, 校园场地和毗连的道路24/7.


Students, faculty 和 staff are provided with an access card through the 校园安全 Office. Cards are used for identification purposes 和 to grant access to the parking structure, 楼梯井和电梯.

Access to the dormitories is controlled by access card 和 the security officer stationed in the lobby.

Students should wear the ID card on their outermost garment at all times while on campus.

遗失或损坏的卡可补发,但须缴付手续费. 可在正常办公时间内到校园安全办公室办理换证手续.


CCS的私人穿梭服务,由一名安全官员驾驶,在沃尔特之间运行 & 约瑟芬·福特校园和A. 阿尔弗雷德陶布曼设计教育中心 (1 mile apart) 24/7 to transport 学生 between sites. Additionally, transportation to 和 from the off-site dorm building The Scott is provided.

CCS鼓励学生使用RideHop, 乘车跟踪应用程序, that will allow 学生 to know exactly where CCS shuttles are while en route to their next stop, 消除等待时间.


校园安全 has implemented 校园 Safe Walk to accompany 学生 to 和 from their cars before or after classes. 如果您需要护送,请致电校园安全.


Both CCS sites have dedicated parking structures that are manned by security personnel 和 operated by student identification card.

陶布曼停车场 -位于巴尔的摩,正对面是南主入口环形车道.

福特停车场 -位于派克公园对面的Brush.

To gain access, simply swipe your card at the electronic reader 和 the entrance gate will open. It is policy that any card that is not working properly will be taken by the security officer 和 given to a 校园安全 administrator for review.

居民可以每天24小时将车辆停在任何一个甲板上. 通勤学生必须在晚上11点之前将车辆从甲板上撤走.m. 或在延长时间内或以住客身份到校园安全办公室签到.


Upon confirmation that a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of 学生 or employees is occurring on campus or on nearby city streets, CCS将向校园社区提供通知. 请参阅完整的 紧急通知策略 在学院的政策数据库.


两个CCS站点上有30多个紧急呼叫箱. The phones are simple to operate – just push the red button 和 the call will connect directly to the respective 校园安全 Office. In addition there are more than 30 intercom/elevator emergency call buttons shared between both sites. 学生应了解校园内所有紧急电话的位置.


The campus is monitored by more than 250 closed-circuit cameras located throughout the Ford 和 Taubman locations. 这些摄像头由校园安全办公室的值班主管全天候监控


校园安全 & 保安处为校园社区提供教育培训.




  • 急救 & 心肺复苏

校园安全 & 安全为CCS社区提供如下服务:

  • 急救服务
  • 紧急医疗运输安排
  • 预防犯罪计划
  • 安全教育
  • 停车管理系统
  • 轮胎通货膨胀
  • 汽车电池没电了,可以直接启动
  • 车辆停工
  • 更换挡风玻璃清洗机(冬季)
  • 居民和非居民停车贴
  • 临时停车证

Should a member of the CCS community observe or suspect criminal or suspicious activity, we ask that this information be promptly reported to 校园安全 office located on the first floor of the Taubman Center 或者是 first floor of the Kresge Ford Building on the Ford 校园. 本处人员可亲自或致电接受举报. 校园安全的日常电话号码是 福特校区313-664-7444 和 313-664-1444陶布曼中心. 两条线路每周7天、每天24小时运行. 校园安全官员是未经宣誓的官员,没有逮捕的权力. 他们可以调查事件并拘留个人,直到警察到达. 受害人或证人可以自愿举报犯罪, confidential basis for inclusion in the annual disclosure of crime statistics by informing 校园安全 that you wish this information to remain confidential.

CCS encourages all members of the College community to engage in accurate 和 prompt reporting of all crimes to 校园 安全 和 the appropriate law enforcement agencies, 当犯罪的受害者选择不这样做, 或者不能, 做这样的报告. Prompt reporting is important as it facilitates immediate investigation 和 the preservation of evidence. Reports may form the basis of criminal charges (violations of state or federal law) 和/or college discipline cases (violations of the Code of Student Conduct).

投诉人也可直接向刑事检控署提出刑事举报 韦恩州警察局电话:(313)577-2222 或者是 底特律警察局电话:(313)224-1212. Complainants wishing to file a criminal report with the Wayne State or Detroit Police 部门 may request assistance with initial procedures from CCS 校园安全. 一旦犯罪报告提交给韦恩州立或底特律警方, the decision to prosecute is made at the discretion of the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office. The Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office is also responsible for providing follow-up communication with the complainant.

看到一些, 说点什么——如果你在校园里观察到任何不寻常或令人担忧的事情, 致电校园安全办公室. 这两个办事处每周7天,每天24小时开放.


A. 阿尔弗雷德陶布曼设计教育中心

沃尔特 & 约瑟芬·福特校园
1楼- Kresge Ford大厦